James Joyce and St. Andrew's Westland Row- A Trinity and its Neighbours Lecture
15 Nov '12 7:00pm - 8:00pm
St. Andrew's Resource Centre, in association with Trinity College Dublin, is proud to present a series of five lectures exploring the links between Trinity College and its neighbours. Over the course of five nights throughout November the series, entitled "Trinity College and its Neighbours. Local Heroes?", will see academics and historians investigate five topics of local relevance and interest.
On November 15th Mr. Justice Adrian Hardiman will present the third paper of the series, "James Joyce and St. Andrew's Westland Row"
This paper, and the rest of the series, will be held in St. Andrew's Church Westland Row, starting at 7pm. All are welcome and all events are free though places are limited.
Booking is essential to book a place contact Betty Ashe at betty.ashe.ices@gmail.com, or contact the centre on 01-6771930
St. Andrews Church, Westland Row