Men's Heart Health Programme
18 Jan '13 10:00am - 01 Feb '13 12:00am

St. Andrew's Resource Centre is proud to announce that the successful 'Men's Hearth Health Programme' will run again this year. Starting on Friday 18th Jan and running each Friday for three weeks, the course will be facilitated by professional presenters who will lead the group in the education, motivation and practice of healthy eating and activity. This programme runs each Friday from 10-12.30 for three weeks. Week one will cover and introduction to cookery, week two will deal with issues around stress management, while week three will examine the issue of exercise. All three topics will focus on issues relating specifically to men's health and to achieving and maintaining a strong and healthy heart. This programme is entirely free and open to all men and places are still open.Further further information contact the centre on 01-6771930 or email Dara Terry (
St. Andrew's Resource Centre
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