Minding Our Children's Mental Health
23 Feb '13 10:00am - 1:00am

St. Andrew's Resource Centre, in association with LEC (Local Education Committee), are pleased to announce a morning seminar entitled 'Minding Our Children's Mental Health'Confirmed speakers for the morning include:· Maureen Bolger the founder of Teenline. Teen-Line Ireland is a free-phone service open every day of the week from 7pm to 10pm. All calls are confidential. Telephone: 1800 833 634 Website: www.teenline.ie · Elaine Geraghty Chief executive of Inspire Ireland. Inspire Ireland Foundation is a charitable organisation that helps young people lead happier lives. Inspire Ireland achieves its mission through the delivery of ReachOut.com, an online service to help young people aged 16-25 get through tough times. A number of local and national mental health organisations will also be present on the day. If you are interested in representing a group at this event, or providing a stand for the event. simply contact Dara.Terry@standrews.ie, or phone Dara Terry on 01-6771930.This is an open event and is free. We welcome all attendees and look forward to seeing you on the day.
St. Andrew's Resource Centre
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