South Dock's Festival 2013
14 Jul '13 9:00am - 19 Jul '13 11:00am

The 26th Annual South Docks Festival will take place this year from the 14th-19th July 2013
The Festival is an annual event run by St. Andrew's Resource Centre in collaboration with Pearse Area Recreational Centre and many local groups and clubs. The Festival aims to highlight and celebrate Pearse Street's and City Quay's traditional association with the docks as well as continuing to celebrate our lively local community and heritage.
This year's festival will provide an array of events and activities to suit all ages and interests. From our International Race Night to the Teddy Bears' Picnic, from our Children's Sports Day to the Fair in Pearse Square, there is sure to be an event that appeals to every member of our community.
The festival would not be possible without the help of a number of generous supporters. The currant economic climate means that more than ever we are depended on those who support the festival. If you would like to contribute to our festival and enjoy all the privileges of being a sponsor of the 2013 festival, why not visit our 'Support Us' section of our website or simply contact Jim Hargis on 01 6771930.
Pearse Street and Environs