Voluntary Tuition Programme (VTP)
08 Oct '14 5:00pm - 20 Dec '14 5:00pm

The Voluntary Tuittion Programme (VTP) is up and running again and looking forward to another very successful year. VTP matches students with children and teens from nearby schools to help with homework and encourage them to consider third level education. St. Andrew's Resource Centre supports 264 children who access this programme and who receive grinds and homework support from students in 3rd level education, as well as from local adults and parents.
We are always keen for more people to get involved in the programme. If you are a parent with a child who you feel would benefit from this programme, simply contact Lisa Kelleher, Manger of the Adult Education section, on 01-6771930, or email lisa.kelleher@standrews.ie. We are also always looking for parents to volunteer to supervise the study groups. If you have a child enrolled in the programme and feel you could volunnteer, contact Lisa on the details above.
For further information on the wider VTP visit their Facebook page by clicking here.
St. Andrew's Resource Centre Main Hall