Pathways to Employment
06 May '15 3:05pm - 3:05pm

PATHWAYS TO EMPLOYMENT:The Talk About Youth Project was approached in March 2015, by Sail Training Ireland and the Local JLO system, to take part in a pilot programme with the SWAN youth service in the North Inner city.The theme for the programme is “Employability” and the aim is to provide an awareness of potential employment and training opportunities in maritime fields for young people.8 young people, 5 boys and 3 girls aged 16 to 18 years have signed up for the project from here.Potential outcomes for the young people include, improved communication, confidence, teamwork, problem solving and leadership skills along with certification in fire safety, water sea survival, haccp among others.The programme includes:•Group work•Development of personal plans with Job Coach•Kayaking•Sea safari tour of Dublin Port and tour of Control centre•Participation in the Dublin Port River festival and work experience•Belfast Tall ships Festival•Training in the National Maritime Training College, Cork.•8 participants will be selected to for a 5 day voyage on the Irish Vessel, “ The Spirit of Oysterhaven”A focus of the project is on the river Liffey as a shared resource and common ground for the young people of Dublin city.There will be ongoing recording of the young people’s progress plus video and photographic evidence of their “journey”.The programme will be reviewed in October 2015, with the view to developing a proposal for its future development and continuation.