VTProgramming-Learn How to Code
01 Feb '16 3:00pm - 28 Apr '16 5:00pm

St. Andrew's Resource Centre, in association with the Voluntary Tuition Programme, is delighted to announce the up-coming VTProgramming classes
What is VTProgramming?
VTProgramming is this cool new program (pun intended) started and run by VTP members. The aim is to give kids between the ages of 15 – 18 an introductory course in programming. The course will run until the end of grinds in April and will involve students going through the Python course on codeacademy.com. Each session will be attended by a couple of tutors who have all covered the course themselves.
- What is programming?
Coding, scripting, programming, …. All of these words are used to describe the same thing, writing something that a computer can understand. Unlike what most people seem to think, it’s not all about 1’s and 0’s, you actually use English sentences to talk to the computer! Take “print(“Hello, World!”)” for example. This simple program, written in Python, will make the computer say “Hello, World!” whenever it is run. If you understood that you can already program in Python!
- Why Code Academy and Python?
Code Academy is a website dedicated to making free online tutorials for people of all ages and ability to learn core computer concepts. Almost every Computer Scientist or Engineering student will use it at some stage in their career.
If you want to take part in this course, simply download the information leaflet here, fill in the information and return it to your teacher.
Plus Python is fun and easy to learn!
If you want to take part in this course fill out the fields in this form and give it back to your teacher.
By the way:
As this is a pilot program for this year we may not be able to take on everyone that applies. There is really limited space so if we get more demand than we can handle we will have to randomly draw names.
Times for the sessions will be announced when the forms have all been gone through and we have organised all the sessions. Each session will take place in St. Andrews Resource Center and will be 2 hours long (time, dates and length to be confirmed).
St. Andrew's Resource Centre