Kinship Care Ireland
20 Nov '19 10:00am - 1:00am

Are you raising a relative or a friend’s child?
For example are you a grandparent raising your grandchild or an auntie raising a niece or nephew?
If so you are a Kinship Carer.
Kinship Care Ireland is a new organisation working to support families like yours.
We would like to invite you to a special morning for Kinship Carers in Dublin.
November 20th 10 –1pm
St Andrews Resource Centre
114 - 116 Pearse Street,
Dublin 2
**Childcare and lunch provided.**
An opportunity to meet others in the same situation, to share your journeys and help identify what supports are needed for Kinship families.
For more information and to book a place please contact:
Treoir on: 01 6700120 Email:
St Andrews Resource Centre