Good News Breakfast
20 Feb 2012
Meeting with Local Industry on new Enterprise and Youth Services Initiative.
Today 20th February 2012 St. Andrew's Resource Centre hosted a good news breakfast bringing local industry up to date on their latest project.
The Helens Corner Shop Enterprise and Youth service has been an ongoing project of the centre's for the past number of months and is now nearing completion. An audience of the local community, business leaders and funders heard Dunuta Grey Non Executive Chair of O2 speak about partnership with St. Andrew's Resource Centre and Tim Darmody of Darmody Architects outlined the scope and ambition of the new project.
Expected to be up and running in just a matter of weeks the new services will be a model of service delivery not seen before in Ireland and brings together State, private and community stakeholders in a cost effective client driven environment.
For more information contact Susan Menton or Jim Hargis on 01 677 1930