Celebrating our 18th Birthday!!!!
5 Nov 2012
Can you believe the project is celebrating it's
18th Birthday this December!!
18 years of programmes, fun and craic! Most of the
Young people I worked with in the early years of the
Project are parents themselves now and their children
attend the project!!! There are many stories and
experiences I will have with me forever....
We have been asking around how we should celebrate and
the general consensus seems to be to have a birthday party
and show in December for the current young people of the
project with a display of photos and big birthday cake!!!
Then in the new year a more formal affair for you the "Elder
Lemons"!!! With a youth project dinner dance/debs!!! Showing
Old photos and video footage from over the years. Just to embarrass
You all!!! We are looking for some of you to come onto an organising
Committee to help us get this underway so drop in or give me a ring
If you would be able to give a hand. We will need your memories and
Ideas for the night!!
We are also holding a Christmas Bonanza fundraiser on Sunday 2nd of
December here in the hall with a sale of work and lots more so watch
Out for the notices.