Talk About Youth-Steps to Success

27 Jan 2017

Our Youth Employability project was completed in December 2016. 6 young people completed the course, which was designed to increase the employability of young people in the community by providing them with necessary skills, to improve confidence, and to increase their self-esteem.

An array of programmes were offered as part of the Employability project, including Skills to Succeed modules that were supplied by Accenture, cookery classes with the Alix Gardner Cookery School, drama and personal development modules provided by Act the Maggot Theatre company, the PALS programme with Bea Flanagan, and holistic massage with Veronica Lane. In addition, important CV production and interview skills were provided as a key part of the programme, as well as team building activities and away trips. The programme ran for 3 months and was hugely successful. It is hoped to run a follow-up programme with the participants in 2017. 

For more information on the Steps to Success programme, contact the Talk About Youth manager, Carmel O'Connor on 01-6771930, or email


Steps to Success Cookery Steps to Success group pic