EngAGE Project Trinity

18 Feb 2015

nano EngAGE

St Andrew's Resource Centre is delighted to work with the AMBER centre and Trinity EngAGE in Trinity College Dublin on a new project called EngAGE with Science.

EngAGE with Science is an 8-week programme in which a 5th or 6th class primary group and their teacher will use the AMBER NanoWow curriculum, which introduces nano and materials science. Students will complete the lesson plans, develop journals, and then transition into "students as teachers" to present and explain the lessons to older people who will serve as community ambassadors, visiting the primary school to engage with the students and contribute to their final poster development. Three half-day field trips to Trinity College Dublin will allow students, teachers and older people to engage with researchers, learn about world-class technologies through hands-on activities, and enjoy informal lunch discussions. Two additional visits during the 8 weeks will take place where the class visit St Andrew's and older participants visit the local school. A final poster exhibition will take place in Trinity with certificates of completion presented to all the participants.

EngAGE with Science is funded through the Science Foundation Ireland Discover programme.


For more informaiton contact lisa.kelleher@standrews.ie